Ph.D. Students


Dr. Anderson is pleased to consider prospective Ph.D. students at this time. Students interested in pursing one or more of the following subjects with one or more of the following methods would be particularly welcome. Note, however, that this list is not meant to be exhaustive, and that other proposals would certainly be considered.

General Subject Areas

- Memory
- Attention and Cognitive Control
- Emotion Regulation
- Trauma and PTSD
- Attention Training and Plasticity of Executive Functions
- Prefrontal Cortex Function
- Hippocampal Function
- Motivated Forgetting

Methods and Populations

- Cognitive Psychology
- fMRI and also DTI, VBM
- Neuropsychological Patients
- Psychiatric Patients
- Individual Differences


Interested Students should inquire with Dr. Anderson, and consult the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit website for details on how to apply. DEADLINE IS DECEMBER 1ST for students beginning in the autumn of 2023.


The procedure for receiving funding to work at the CBU differs depending on whether you are from the UK, Europe, or outside of Europe. If you are from the UK or EU, you will be eligible to be considered for one of our MRC CBU 3-year fellowships, when you apply (these are very competitive). Otherwise, there are several strategies for acquiring funding, which we describe below. In general, an excellent place to start, after reading this page, would be the website maintained by the Board of Graduate Studies (BOGS) at the University, which can be found here.


The Gates foundation provides a generous source of funding that allows people from all over the world to come and study at Cambridge. It provides a stipend and covers many other costs too. This fellowship is extremely competitive, and requires meticulous preparation, but is open to all. The deadlines are different for the within-UK and international competitions, with the latter one coming much earlier. See link.


When you apply to the CBU and the University, you will be eligible to be considered for funding through the Cambridge trusts. This funding is considered in several rounds throughout the year, and often comes in the form of a Bursary of several thousand pounds. This by itself is unlikely to be sufficient as a sole source of funding, but together with other sources can provide sufficient funds.


Cambridge University is composed of 31 separate colleges, each of which has its own structures, traditions, students, and sources of funding. Often these colleges provide fellowships that can be won by prospective students. The only way to learn about this is to visit each of the colleges separately and learn what they have to offer. For a list of the colleges, see here.


Different countries often offer funding schemes to allow their citizens to go abroad and study at foreign institutions. We are working on summarizing these schemes for various countries, but until then, you would need to investigate this yourself. Consult your professors, and perhaps university foreign exchange program services for ideas. You should also consider consulting national science funding agencies in your country to see if they provide such schemes.


Sometimes, businesses or international agencies offer international fellowships. In the realm of post-doctoral funding, for example, the Human Frontiers Program offers international fellowships.